Going beyond Expectations.
Always Guaranteed
NO Added Hormones
NO Added Steroids
NO Preservatives
How we do it
Broiler chickens – chickens raised for meat – are hatched at a “hatchery,” and within hours they’ll arrive at the farm where they’ll be raised until they’re ready to leave the farm and go to market or to be processed. The average broiler chicken spends about four to five weeks on the farm. Providing a great start in those first days are crucial to ensure they have the best and healthy growth.
Just like any other animal, chickens’ dietary needs change as they grow. Working with expert poultry nutritionists, we specially blend feed that changes with the chickens as they grow, ensuring they’re getting the proper mix of nutrients for each stage of their life.
Farmers keep chickens safe from predators and the elements, but they also work to keep them safe from introduction to disease through advanced biosecurity measures. Especially during the first few weeks of life, chickens need extra care and attention to stay healthy and grow well.
What is our number one priority? Maintaining the health of our chicken flock. Chicken farm managers/owners together with our in house highly qualified veterinarians, regularly inspect the birds to make sure they’re thriving and have a healthy growth based on our standards.
Broiler chickens aren’t raised in cages – they’re raised in large, open barns called “growout houses.” These houses provide precise climate control for each stage of a chicken’s life –warmer when they’re smaller and less able to regulate their body temperature, and cooler as they grow bigger and “feather out.” Ventilation and temperature control is key when raising chickens
Broiler chickens take about four to five weeks to reach market weight. Once they’ve reached the proper size and weight, trained workers arrive to catch – by hand – all chickens, which will then head off to the processing plant.